I figured I need to learn R and decided to undertake the due process of wrecking my own mind with the absurdities of yet another language. I know I am not an expert at c++ or python, but I feel I can use it to my advantage and organize my coda (pieces of code). I am of course borrowing the phrase from the musical theory, which is definitely more artful than coding. Although the underpinning complexities and structures you may find are similar and the expressive nature of the coda is at hands of an able artist.
After many goof ups and fall downs I now feel I am in a place to talk about R and build an understanding of how it works and why it works. The primary draw of R is the innumerable number of packages you have to accomplish tasks statistical in nature. R is primarily a statistical language and should be used for such purposes.
To install R:
sudo echo "deb http://ftp.ussg.iu.edu/CRAN/bin/linux/ubuntu precise/" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
sudo apt-get udpate
sudo apt-get install r-base r-base-dev
As a first step to the introduction to R I will establish a very nice protocol, I use emacs and ESS. These two together have made my life a lot easier. I also split my sources and write all code in functions. I have to start using objects, hopefully sooner to organize my code.
I shall describe how to install ESS and the basic run in ESS:
To intall ESS just run
$ sudo apt-get intall essOnce you have installed ESS, go to your emacs and type
M-x R
This should bring up a prompt which asks you for the starting data directory, you can enter the path to the directory you want to work from or just work from the current directory.
You can of course always change the working directory using setwd(path). To see all the files in a directory just say list.files(path). You can include a R source file into the shell by using source(filename).
I will write about installing and using libraries in my next post. Happy coding !!
Next post soon... :)